Sarasota, Tampa and Naples restaurants make OpenTable top 100

  • By Laura Lyon
  • | 11:35 a.m. November 22, 2024
  • | 1 Free Article Remaining!
The Seafood Market at Sails in Naples.
The Seafood Market at Sails in Naples.
Photo by Dan Cutrona Photography
  • Florida
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Restaurant reservation service OpenTable recently published its list of Top 100 Restaurants in 2024. Four Florida restaurants made the cut, three of which are on the Gulf Coast.

Bern’s Steakhouse in Tampa, Sails Restaurant in Naples and Dry Dockside Waterfront Grill on Longboat Key were all counted among the top places to eat by diners around the country (as opposed to critics, the usual standard). Buccan in Palm Beach was the fourth Florida restaurant listed. 

"Seven years ago when we opened Sails Restaurant, we could only dream to have the most amazing team that we have today that are well deserving of these highest accolades," says owners Corinne Ryan & Veljko Pavicevic in a statement. "Thank you to all of our very loyal guests for bringing joy to our dining room every single evening. We are so grateful for all of your support and wonderful reviews. This is a dream come true!"

This is the second year of the Top 100 list for the company, which is determined by OpenTable diner reviews and metrics, compiled by analyzing more than 14 million diner reviews, diner ratings, reservation demand and percentage of five-star reviews, among other factors.



Laura Lyon

Laura Lyon is the Business Observer's editor for the Tampa Bay region, covering business news in Hillsborough, Pinellas, Pasco and Polk counties. She has a journalism degree from American University in Washington, D.C. Prior to the Business Observer, she worked in many storytelling capacities as a photographer and writer for various publications and brands.

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