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A Local Success Story... RND Automation

Back in 2005, in Bradenton, three guys followed a dream in a small shop that has now grown into a nationally known automation company.

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  • | 12:00 a.m. September 6, 2023
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There’s often excitement in local business success stories. That one person who believes in a dream so intently that it becomes their sole focus. It’s analogous to starting a fire by rubbing two sticks together. There’s an immense amount of dedication and perseverance just to get smoke. Next, comes that fragile little ember. One wrong move and it’s a restart. Eventually, through perseverance, there’s a flame. It’s no guarantee yet that the flame will last. However, making it to a fullfledged fire is the reward. A small percentage of businesses make it to that full fire.

There are the big successes that most know about: Sun Hydraulics, PGT, FCCI Insurance, etc. More add to that list every few years, and there’s another one in our area to know… RND Automation.

Back in 2005, in Bradenton, three guys followed a dream in a small shop that has now grown into a nationally known automation company delivering machines all over the world (China, Poland, Ireland, UK, Mexico, Dominican Republic, and the United States). RND Automation is now part of an even larger dream, as it has a sister company iAutomation under the umbrella of Complete Automation Solutions (CAS). The CAS dream is to be a one-stop shop for everything automation.

RND is home away from home for team members who enjoy the technical challenges of creating solutions from scratch, while working in a supportive environment that elevates the team. They embrace the concept of growing as a company, while investing in the people that help the company expand.

Aside from growth and success, RND Automation is also heavily involved in the community. They sponsor a FIRST Tech high school robotics team, provide machine and monetary donations to local tech schools, are involved in Sarasota-Manatee Area Manufacturer’s Association (SAMA) and the local Economic Development Companies, and most recently collaborate with the FabLab in Sarasota.

One of the most common challenges in today’s workplace is having a workforce to meet company needs. For those companies that need of a way of automating tasks, RND Automation is in the community to help. RND offers individual robots, with the training to utilize them, custom machines (either semi or fully automatic), and packaging solutions (thermoforming, tray packing, and vertical pouches). RND is an integral part of how many companies have future-proofed their businesses.

Are you ready to automate?

941-870-5400 | rndautomation.com

About the Author: Aaron Laine is currently a Key Accounts Sales Engineer at RND Automation, and has previously worn many hats, including; Mechanical Engineer, Robot Programmer, Project Manager, Engineering Manager, and VP of Operations. He is an active member of the board and Events Committee Chair for SarasotaManatee Area Manufacturers Association. He can be reached at alaine@rndautomation.com or 941-809-3228.