Fast-casual noodles chain in growth mode looks to Tampa Bay

A national chain with a fervent fan base targets the region for expansion. "We get letters all the time: 'Please, please, please come to Tampa,'" says an executive.

  • By Louis Llovio
  • | 10:00 a.m. October 28, 2022
  • | 0 Free Articles Remaining!
Noodles & Company, a national chain of noodle-themed restaurants, is expanding to the West Coast of Florida with dozens of locations in a few years. (Courtesy photo)
Noodles & Company, a national chain of noodle-themed restaurants, is expanding to the West Coast of Florida with dozens of locations in a few years. (Courtesy photo)
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Noodles & Company, a Colorado fast-casual chain of restaurants, is coming to the Gulf Coast with plans that could see as many as 30 locations open within 10 years.

Those are the words fans of the pasta-focused restaurant chain — and there are legions — have been longing to read for many years. But before these fans get too excited, the company first needs to find out who is going to run the operations locally and just where they’re going to open.


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