- January 11, 2025
More than 150 pets have been reunited with their families since Lost Pet Services Inc. hopped on the job after Hurricane Ian blew through the area during the last week of September.
LPS, a nonprofit, has been providing services to Sarasota, Manatee and Charlotte counties. The organization has a big reach on Facebook under the group name Lost and Found Pets 941 (Lost Pet Services) with more than 43,600 followers, which helps share posts and match found pets to lost pet posts.
The nonprofit is providing a free flier for each lost pet report that’s completed. Additionally, LPS sends information directly to local county shelters for the owner or pet finder. Volunteers are stationed across the three counties with microchip scanners to help as well.
Most of the donations to LPS will help fund emergency medical care for injured strays and pets. The organization has been updating its site at LostFoundPets941.com with photos of lost and found pets, as well as strategy plans for what to do when someone loses or finds a pet.