Area businesses connected to dogs and cats see surge in business during pandemic

From veterinary centers to pet supply stores, companies are handling fluctuations in business with different strategies.

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  • | 5:00 p.m. September 9, 2020
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Courtesy. Dr. Dave Smith, veterinarian, owner of Sarasota Veterinary Center and co-owner of Parkway Veterinary Center says doubling the number of exam rooms at Sarasota Veterinary Center helped him handle the rush of new patients.
Courtesy. Dr. Dave Smith, veterinarian, owner of Sarasota Veterinary Center and co-owner of Parkway Veterinary Center says doubling the number of exam rooms at Sarasota Veterinary Center helped him handle the rush of new patients.
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Sarasota Veterinary Center finished a major renovation in February — some spot-on timing. The project increased the number of exam rooms at the facility from three to six. “It was just in time,” says Dr. Dave Smith, owner of Sarasota Veterinary Center and co-owner of Parkway Veterinary Center in Sarasota. “We basically doubled in size, and that helped us handle the rush of new patients.”


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