Clean-up hitter: Real estate veteran targets car wash industry disruption

With an emphasis on the halcyon days of neon signs, surfing and classic cars, Woodie’s Wash Shack takes car-wash branding to new heights. The owner has big expansion plans.

  • By Brian Hartz
  • | 6:00 a.m. April 10, 2020
  • | 0 Free Articles Remaining!
Mark Wemple. Don Phillips, managing director of Phillips Development & Realty LLC, aspires to turn his latest venture, Woodie’s Wash Shack, into a national brand.
Mark Wemple. Don Phillips, managing director of Phillips Development & Realty LLC, aspires to turn his latest venture, Woodie’s Wash Shack, into a national brand.
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Amid a pandemic when people are loath to touch one another and even everyday objects without liberal doses of hand sanitizer, Don Phillips’ decision to open a high-tech chain of automatic car washes that operate using electronic devices similar to a SunPass could be serendipitous.

Phillips — a veteran property developer who specializes in multifamily, office and retail projects — is the managing director of Woodie’s Wash Shack. So far, he’s opened one location, at 5601 66th St. N. in St. Petersburg, an investment of more than $6 million. He's also secured 11 additional sites in Florida and, with five car washes in development via a business partner in Tennessee, aspires to turn the concept into a national brand. 


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