- January 16, 2025
Manager, Commercial Division
Michael Saunders & Co.
I’m a native of…
Upstate New York.
I’m _____ years old.
Before commercial real estate, I…
Was involved in the mortgage business and economic development.
Favorite flavor of ice cream…
Most memorable professional accomplishment…
Helping an old boss of mine, an Italian immigrant, fulfill the American dream by buying a food-related business years after I’d worked for him.
The bill I hate most to pay is…
My mortgage.
The chore is hate most to do is…
The dishes.
Favorite type of food…
The toughest part of my current job is…
Trying to keep everyone focused.
Chicken or fish?
Favorite color…
Navy blue.
Tennis or golf?
If I had a Sunday afternoon to myself, I’d…
Spend it washing and waxing my car, a 2015 Ford Mustang.
Dog or cat?
If I could be any comic book superhero, I’d be…
My primary hobby or side hustle is…
Favorite movie…
“The Goonies.” It makes me feel like a kid again every time I watch it.
Favorite book…
“In Search of Excellence.”
Favorite song…
“Stairway to Heaven,” by Led Zeppelin.
Favorite sport…
Person I would most want to be trapped in an elevator with for 12 hours, living or dead…
My grandfather.
When I want to unwind, I…
Don’t. Just ask my wife. I’d say probably cycling. It’s a very good diffuser.
My dream vacation would be to…
Get in the car and go see every Major League Baseball stadium in the country, with one of my kids along
If I could do it all over again, I’d…
I never look back, and I really don’t have any regrets. I suppose I would complete my schooling earlier in life, but other than that, nothing. I’ve been very blessed.
What’s next for me?
I really want to see the Michael Saunders’ commercial real estate team be the best it can be.