Maja Lacevic, 31

Attorney, Trenam Law

  • By Brian Hartz
  • | 5:00 p.m. October 25, 2018
  • | 0 Free Articles Remaining!
Photo by Kayleigh Omang
Photo by Kayleigh Omang
  • Class of 2018
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Born in war-torn Bosnia and Herzegovina, part of the former Yugoslavia at the time, Maja Lacevic and her family became refugees in Croatia and Germany before a church in Kentucky sponsored them to come to the United States.

She says her chaotic upbringing gave her “a healthy respect for the rule of law” that motivated her career choices. Her mother worked as a physician, so it’s fitting that Lacevic has become an lawyer specializing in health care law, particularly corporate governance and mergers and acquisitions involving hospitals and health systems.

Lacevic’s formative years also taught her, she says, “to be a lot more empathetic and to look at the world with a much more global perspective, which is so important in this day and age when we are connected to anyone, anywhere with the click of a button.”


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