Contractor to work on hospital renovations

DeAngelis Diamond will renovate the ninth and 10th floors of Sarasota Memorial Hospital.

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  • | 6:06 p.m. March 28, 2018
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Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
Sarasota Memorial Hospital.
  • Manatee-Sarasota
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SARASOTA — Naples-based DeAngelis Diamond was selected as general contractor to renovate the ninth and 10th floors of Sarasota Memorial Hospital. 

According to a press release, the company completed selective demolition of the hospital's east tower and will start rebuilding acute care patient rooms on each floor. Both of the floors are 20,000 square feet. 

The project will include medical gas upgrades, a new layout for all 52 patient rooms and finish upgrades. 

The renovations are scheduled to be finished in December. 

DeAngelis Diamond also has offices in Sarasota, Fort Myers, Birmingham, Ala., and Nashville. 


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