40 under 40: Going places

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  • | 10:59 a.m. October 14, 2016
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The theme of the 2016 Business Observer 40 under 40 issue revolves around people who are going places — and who get there with grace, elegance and style.

That's why we took their pictures in front of three high-end modes of transportation: a yacht in Fort Myers, a private jet in Sarasota and McLaren cars in St. Petersburg.

From a police-officer-turned-court administrator to a recent transplant from the U.K., to the owner of a fast-growing pool company, the winners share several traits. These are people who get out around town, and people you should know when you are new to town.

A trait shared by them all is an ability, and sometimes an affinity, for taking risks. One winner, an attorney by day, moonlights as a developer of luxury condo projects in his “spare” time.

The group is also big on chasing dreams. There's the human resources whiz who travels the globe for clients, and there's also the U.S. Marine who relishes the chance to help businesses grow in his new role as a bank loan officer.

Another trait, which goes back to grace and elegance, is resiliency. One standout: the entrepreneur who launched her now-thriving carpet cleaning business after she was laid off from a corporate job.

A few other winners on the list have recently taken over family businesses. That's a whole different kind of pressure, which comes with its own unique risks, and many times also requires a deep reservoir of resiliency.

One more common theme: The group recognizes they have more to learn. One winner, who fittingly was part of the yacht photo shoot, offers a “best business lesson” that applies to any up-and-comer. The advice? “Know your wake: As a leader, understand the wake you leave behind with your daily interactions.”

— Mark Gordon


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