Bike shop team scores

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  • | 11:00 a.m. July 22, 2016
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A small bike store in Fort Myers received some notoriety in cycling circles for sponsoring a team in one of the most grueling bike challenges in the nation.

Four Fort Myers cyclists recently competed in The Race Across America, completing the 3,089-mile race in six days, 13 hours and three minutes. The team came in fourth out of 21 four-man teams.

“We got a lot of coverage, a lot of people coming in and asking about it. It was fun for people to watch,” says Steve Martin, owner of The Bike Bistro, a bike store on Summerlin Road in Fort Myers that sponsored the team.

The amateur team beat professional cyclists, including some outstanding Russian and British competitors, Martin says. The team raised more than $80,000 for a veterans' charity.
Despite detailed planning, the team got off to a rough start when FedEx failed to deliver its bikes and uniforms in time for the start. “They ended up having to buy two bikes the day before the race,” Martin says.

Two members of the cycling team say they want to take another shot at the race next year. “I'm surprised to think anyone is going to try to do it again,” Martin chuckles.


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