Football league scores funding source

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  • | 5:18 p.m. February 17, 2016
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  • Manatee-Sarasota
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Major League Football Inc., a new professional football league headquartered in east Manatee County, has connected with a major investor, according to a release.

The Lakewood Ranch-based league selected Asian Global Capital Ltd. to provide the operating capital as it prepares to launch its first season in the spring. The funding includes a $20 million equity purchase of MLFB common stock, a $100 million line of credit and a right of first refusal to purchase a future MLFB franchise in Orlando, if one becomes available, the release says.

The announcement comes less than a week after MLFB reported it had lost a $20 million commitment in startup funds from Clairemont Private Investment Group. The Clairemont announcement led to a postponement of the start of a universal training camp schedule to begin Feb. 18 at the Premier Sports Campus in Lakewood Ranch.

The MLFB has a two-year television contract with American Sports Network.


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