- March 21, 2025
David Fouche planned on a career in engineering after he graduated from the University of Florida.
But a job working for Williams Co., a $125 million commercial builder with offices in Orlando, Tampa and Fort Lauderdale, helped Fouche find a different passion: construction. “I love the action of project management,” says Fouche. “I love to make something out of nothing and see the finished product.”
In 2006 Fouche joined J2 Solutions, a Venice-based company that Fouche’s good friend from college, Jess Fronckowiak, founded in 2002. The freedom of being in a leadership position in a nimbler, entrepreneurial business was a key part of the move for Fouche. “(Jess) was not only creating projects,” says Fouche, “but he was creating a business.”
The creativity Fouche craves is a staple at J2 Solutions, with about $7.5 million in annual sales. The firm does commercial and residential work, in addition to a home remodeling division that focuses on garages — what the company calls a “Florida basement.”
— Mark Gordon
Name: David Fouche
Age: 38
City of residence: Venice
Twitter handle: @gatorfouche
Employer: J2 Solutions, Inc
Title: Vice President
Birthplace: Gainesville
Years on the Gulf Coast: 10 Years
Marital status/children: Married, three Children
Alma mater: University of Florida
Best place to network: Industry-specific social functions
Coolest business experience: Being able to use resources and contacts to pull off charity projects with great meaning.
The most important business lesson I’ve learned: Be humble and treat your team like family.
One website that makes your job easier: Dropbox! Love it!
One community group you’re most involved with: On the Venice board for Big Brothers Big Sisters
Favorite off-hours activity: Boating with family
Two people, dead or alive, you’d like to have dinner with: My grandfather who passed away just before I was born. He was a successful businessman and entrepreneur. My family say I take after him in many ways. I would love to seek his business advice. (The second) is Andrew Carnegie. Don’t know what I’d ask him, but I love the legacy he left with his wealth.
What you would be doing if you could pick another career: I love what I do. No desire to change, but real estate law has always been of special interest.
Most adventurous thing you’ve ever done: Living out of a backpack for a year traveling Australia. Dove with Great White sharks in the southern ocean as well as numerous technical decompression dives on WWII wrecks in the South Pacific.
What’s at the top of your bucket list: Circumnavigating the world by sailboat. We’ll start with the Caribbean!
What new skill would you like to learn: Aircraft pilot license
Who would play you in a movie about your life: Tom Hanks
If I had a magic wand I’d: Cure cancer