Bradenton tourism data float higher

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  • | 12:33 p.m. May 8, 2014
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  • Manatee-Sarasota
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BRADENTON — Bradenton area tourism data, including visitors, expenditures and employment, are on the upswing for the third straight year, according to a new report.

The report was prepared by Data Research Services and presented by the Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau at a National Tourism Week luncheon May 7, according to a release. The findings include:

• Total area visitors exceeded 2,839,300, up 1.5% from 2012;
• Expenditures by visitors in commercial lodging surpassed $403 million, up 10.6% over 2012;
• Direct expenditures by all visitors to the area surpassed $575.5 million, a 7.6% increase from 2012;
• There was a total of 20,500 tourism-related employment opportunities, up 3.5% from 2012.

“We are thrilled to report that the travel and tourism industry continues to show growth and have an increasingly positive impact on the area,” Bradenton Area Convention and Visitors Bureau Executive Manager Debbie Meihls says in the release. “The numbers from 2013 are positive and we are already looking ahead to the future for the Bradenton area in 2014 and beyond.”


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