Sarasota County juggles departments

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  • | 4:04 p.m. March 31, 2014
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  • Manatee-Sarasota
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SARASOTA — Sarasota County Administrator Tom Harmer announced a reorganization of county government structure.

The modified structure, which includes a realignment of the Office of Business and Economic Development so it directly reports to Harmer, should be fully implemented by Oct. 1, according to a release.

“I believe in the basic fundamentals, direct communication, accountability and productivity,” Harmer says in the statement. “The improved structure is designed to create cost savings, maximize resources, streamline processes and realign services within functional areas so we can better serve our community and meet our goals.”
The changes include:

• Separating public utilities from the Public Works Department;

• Grouping all Public Works functions under one department and under the supervision of one director;

• Aligning all development, planning, zoning, permitting, environmental protection and regulatory functions as well as Neighborhood Services and the Community Redevelopment Areas program within Planning and Development Services;

• Consolidating the Parks and Recreation Department with the natural resources/lands-management function into one department;

• Including the Sarasota County Area Transit Department (along with Public Utilities, Public Works, and Planning and Development Services) in the Community Development/Infrastructure group under Assistant County Administrator Mark Cunningham;

• Moving Commission Services, Enterprise Information Technology and Human Resources departments, along with the Office of Financial Management, into the Administrative Services group under Acting Assistant County Administrator Steve Botelho;

• Grouping Health and Human Services; Libraries and Historical Resources; Parks and Recreation; Emergency Services; Sarasota County Extension and Sustainability; and Homeless Services under the Community Services group administered by Assistant County Administrator Lee Ann Lowery.
Harmer replaced Sarasota County Administrator Randall Reid late last year.


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