Sarasota Housing Authority opening King Stone project

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  • | 8:41 a.m. February 1, 2013
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  • Manatee-Sarasota
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The Sarasota Housing Authority has completed and opened the King Stone Townhomes in north Sarasota at 1720 Martin Luther King Jr. Way. The townhomes replace the former Mediterranean complex, which was afflicted by blight and crime.

The Sarasota Office of Housing and Community Development in partnership with the Sarasota Housing Authority razed the former Mediterranean complex and created 28 townhomes earmarked for low-income families.

“This isn't just an investment in 28 townhomes,” Don Hadsell, general manager of the Sarasota Office of Housing and Community Development, says in a press release. “It's part of an ongoing investment in the MLK Way corridor and north Sarasota. Demolishing the old Mediterranean apartments and starting fresh with King Stone is a strong message that we believe in the community and affordable housing can be attractive and energy efficient.”

The townhome project was funded using a $2.5 million Neighborhood Stabilization Program 2 grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.


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