Florida's talent earns rave reviews

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  • | 6:49 a.m. July 5, 2012
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Finding and retaining top-level talent is usually high on the list of worries, challenges and concerns for Gulf Coast executives.

So that group might be surprised by a recent report from the National Chamber Foundation, an affiliate of the U.S.Chamber of Commerce. In the report, Enterprising States 2012, the Washington, D.C.-based nonprofit foundation finds that Florida is No. 1 in the country when it comes to a “talent pipeline.”

The foundation's survey used six metrics to determine the states with the best talent pipeline. Metrics included:

• Higher education degrees;
• State spending per degree awarded;
• Total student cost at a four-year research institution as a share of state disposable income;
• Share of residents age 25 to 44 with at least a two-year degree;
• Share of high school seniors who take Advanced Placement Courses;
• Adults placed in open jobs.

Florida's top ranking in talent pipeline puts the state directly ahead of Massachusetts, New York, Utah and South Dakota. Florida earned its ranking, the survey states, by scoring in the top eight in four of the foundation's metrics. The Sunshine State ranked first in the share of high school seniors who take Advanced Placement Courses.


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