Thank you for your dedication to capitalism

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  • | 6:02 a.m. August 17, 2012
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Dear Editor:

Please be aware that I do not share Mr. Arenas' view point. The comment by the President of the United States was the most offensive yet - and people are spinning to defend it. Let Romney or one of the Bush family say something similar and they bring out the rack.

Thank you for your dedication to capitalism.

By the way, when I borrowed the money from Florida Federal to start Landmark I don't remember anyone from the government there to sign a personal guarantee. When I was working 70 to 90 hours per week in the beginning I don't remember anyone from the government dropping by to help.

When I was dialing for dollars in order to make payroll I was doing that alone as well. Starting a business looks even tougher to me today.

David Hurley, president
Landmark Engineering & Surveying Corp.


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