We want to know about business, not politics

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  • | 3:04 p.m. August 10, 2012
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Dear Editor:
I have subscribed to your Gulf Coast Business Review for three years. It is very well written and informative, especially for me as a native Floridian, born and raised in Tampa.
Two weeks ago, however, it appeared your otherwise excellent magazine devolved into a written version of FOX News, with distractions of political views, not business news. The latest issue seems over the top with the mis-characterization of President Obama's statement of “you didn't build that.”
If you look at the full speech, the president prefaces that statement by talking about infrastructure roads and bridges. And if he had said “you didn't build those,” this confusion would not exist. Your magazine expounds on this political point on the first page, in your Coffee Talk column and on page 16 in Marketplace of Ideas.
Perhaps you might try to lower the incitement of our uncivil political discourse in this country. I respect your political views but feel that I and many other readers would appreciate business news that is the title of your magazine without one-sided political opinions.
There are many successful entrepreneurs who do not subscribe to your political views, and we want to know about business, not politics.
Frank B. Arenas

Mr. Arenas:
We read the full speech. None of us will ever know the truth of whether President Obama meant to say “you didn't build “those” (roads and bridges) or whether he meant to say business owners didn't build “that” (their own businesses). He said “that.”
He is the president. What he says, unfortunately for him, becomes cast in history.
Longtime readers of the Business Review know that we frequently have editorials that are pro-capitalism, anti-government and libertarian in their perspective. We believe in being one of the few defenders of a free-market economy in the media.
— MW

Have a letter to the editor? Email Managing Editor Kat Hughes at khughes@review.net


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