Local travel guru goes global

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  • | 1:47 p.m. May 19, 2011
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Malaka Hilton, who runs an international travel business out of Sarasota, jumped at the chance to help bring U.S. tourists back to Egypt.

For one, Hilton's company, Admiral Travel, has sent dozens of clients to the country over the past decade. Hilton herself is recognized as an Egyptian travel specialist, having gone there every year since she was a child.

There's also a family connection: Hilton's father, a doctor who once worked for the Mayo Clinic, was born in Egypt.

Hilton joined a small group of U.S. travel industry leaders on a trip to Egypt and Jordan in April. The idea was for executives to see what was happening in the countries for themselves and to reach out to hospitality businesses they have worked with in the past. Egypt and Jordan are two of several Middle East countries going through major political conflicts, including some violent uprisings.

The trip was also a personal conflict for Hilton. On the one hand, she's pleased to report the country is once again safe and stable. Still, the lack of tourists in Egypt, says Hilton, is disheartening.

“It was sad to see that no one was there,” Hilton tells Coffee Talk. “It's a trying time.”

One highlight the trip was an Easter Sunday visit to Tahrir Square — scene of mass protests and demonstrations in early February. It was there and in other stops where Hilton spoke with local citizens.

“Egyptians have always loved Americans but now they will really talk to you,” says Hilton. “They want to tell you all about their revolution.'”

Another highlight of the trip was a chance encounter with U.S. Sen. John McCain in Cairo.

McCain thanked Hilton for her efforts, telling her “Egypt needs you badly.”


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