Sarasota contractors buy Center Road lots

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  • | 3:40 a.m. June 11, 2011
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  • Manatee-Sarasota
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BUYER: Center Road Properties LLC, Sarasota


PROPERTY: 55 and 65 Center Road, Sarasota

PRICE: $653,400

PREVIOUS PRICE: $500,000, January 2004

LAW FIRM ON DEED: Norton Hammersley Lopez & Skokos PA, Sarasota

PLANS, DESCRIPTION: Sarasota general contractors Jon and Jason Swift purchased two lots on Center Road in Fruitville Park of Commerce for $653,400. The price equated to $326,700 per acre.

The parcels, which total just shy of two acres, give the Swifts a total of six lots in Fruitville Park of Commerce, including two lots on Fruitville Road.

“We wanted to buy the two lots on Fruitville, but the owner was worried that selling just those lots would hurt the interest for the other four lots, so we agreed to buy all of them,” says Jon Swift, CEO of commercial construction company Jon F Swift Inc. “We bought those first two acres three years ago. We really feel strongly that the Fruitville [Road] corridor will be valuable far into the future.”

Swift says the entire property could be used to develop three 22,000-square-foot flex buildings.


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