Growth management fix signed

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  • | 4:05 p.m. April 28, 2011
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On April 27, Gov. Rick Scott signed House Bill 7001, the first in a series of three growth management bills aimed at correcting shortcomings identified by a circuit court ruling last year.

That decision threw out Senate Bill 360, a 2009 measure sponsored by Sen. Mike Bennett, R-Bradenton, after several local governments and associations representing cities, counties and school districts challenged it.

HB 7001 eases — but does not eliminate — state requirements for developers to pay for new infrastructure such as roads and schools, and it exempts certain larger developments from state review. The other two bills relate to affordable housing and impact fees.

The 2009 bill was declared unconstitutional in August because it imposed unfunded mandates on local government and included more than one subject without a constitutionally required two-thirds vote of the Legislature. By splitting the bill into three separate measures and passing each with at least a two-thirds vote in each chamber, the new bills ostensibly overcome the court's objections.


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