Fort Myers masons buy warehouse for lodge

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  • | 1:43 p.m. August 20, 2010
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BUYER: Tropical Lodge No. 56 Free and Accepted Masons of Florida (principals: Ernest Spradling, James Flerx, Gerald Connally, Ronald Frieden and Richard Nelson), Fort Myers

SELLER: Rolling Frito-Lay Sales LP

PROPERTY: 10868 Metro Parkway, Fort Myers

PRICE: $750,000

PREVIOUS PRICE: $82,300, March 1981

LAW FIRM ON DEED: Blucher Law Group LLC, Sarasota

PLANS, DESCRIPTION: Tropical Lodge No. 56 Free and Accepted Masons of Florida purchased a 19,377-square-foot industrial building for $750,000. The price equated to $39 per square foot.

The group sold its former lodge at 3100 Evans Ave., Fort Myers, to the Florida Department of Transportation for $1.51 million in early 2008. The department needed the property for the eventual widening of Evans Avenue and the Masons leased it back while the organization looked for a replacement property.

Now the Masons plan to rezone the former Rolling Frito-Lay warehouse it bought for use as a meeting space and local headquarters.

“It's a steel warehouse building, which gives a clean pallet to develop the meeting rooms that are special to the Masons,” says Ted Connally, treasurer for the group. “We have been looking for four years.”

The masons plan to develop a special library and kitchen facilities in the building and improve the parking lot.

Stan Stouder of CB Richard Ellis, Fort Myers/Naples represented the seller and Rich Sommerville of LandQwest Commercial LLC represented the buyer.


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