The tax boon that is growth

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  • | 6:09 p.m. July 10, 2009
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In the never-ending debate over the cost of growth along the Gulf Coast — and whether it pays for itself or is a net drain on resources — there has always been a 600-pound gorilla jumping up and down on the coffee table, trying to be noticed: Long-term taxes paid by newcomers to our fair shores.

The laments typically go like this: More newcomers mean we have to build more roads, more schools, more fire stations, etc. “They” cost us a fortune and need to pay their own way. Hence we have impact fees to cover their “impact,” but many still think newcomers are a net cost to existing residents.

That is only half of the equation. By focusing exclusively on the costs associated with new housing in a community, there has been a destructively lopsided debate on the value of that housing.


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