The price for equality: You lose freedom

  • By Matt Walsh
  • | 4:32 p.m. April 23, 2009
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It's happening before your eyes every day, more than it has since the dark days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt: The takeover of your life by the Next New Deal.

Step back for a moment and absorb what you have witnessed in the first 100 days of the new administration. Domestically, it has cast a wide net:
• Money: Disguised as rescue plans, Barack Obama's Next New Deal has executed de facto takeovers of the largest corporations in American banking, insurance and finance. And he's not finished yet. The federal government (Obama & Co.) now controls enormous swaths of the American financial system and is dictating the terms to the bankers and insurers. The man who controls the money calls the shots.
• Energy: Obama's Next New Deal has expressed its intent to control the production and use of energy via its cap-and-trade initiatives and constant drumbeat to invest “stimulus” money into alternative fuels. Consider Obama's firing of Rick Wagoner at General Motors the government's first step and takeover of dictating energy usage via the manufacture of one of Americans' lifelines, their cars.
• Health care: There should be no doubt that Obama and certainly his Democratic colleagues want (and will race this year for) a nationalized health system that controls the price and supply of health care.
• Education: This is the smallest of the initiatives so far. The Next New Deal wants universal pre-kindergarten throughout America, funded, of course by taxpayers. From a government acorn grows a mighty bureaucratic oak.
Combine the government's control of money, energy and health care, and together you have Obama's vision of economic equality for everyone.

Winston Churchill had a description for this: “Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy; its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery.”


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