40 Under 40 Winners Page 2

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40 Under 40 Winners Page 2

Tony D'Souza


Company/Title: Tony D'Souza/novelist

Education: MFA University of Notre Dame; M.A. Hollins University

Professional achievements/honors: Fiction and essays have appeared in The New Yorker, Playboy, Tin House, Esquire, Salon, The Literary Review, McSweeney's and elsewhere. First novel, Whiteman, debuted to widespread critical acclaim in April, was Editor's Pick at the New York Times Book Review and Critic's Choice at People Magazine. Received a 2006 NEA fellowship and in 2000 was chosen by Writer's of the Americas as one of seven young fiction writers to represent the U.S. at the first US-Cuba writers summit since the Revolution. (But the honor most dear is the nomination by Nerve Magazine for Best Sex Scene of the year).

Mentor or business hero: Ernest Hemingway.

Formula for success: Work harder than everyone else.

Hometown: Chicago.

Place/Date of Birth: Chicago, July, 1974

First job: Swept up at a printing press after school when I was 12.

Years on Gulf Coast: 8

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: Followed family.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Retaining young professionals.

How would you solve it? Perks and wages. If it's economy based, what can you do? But things here seem skewed against retaining young professionals. Higher wages could attract younger workers, leading to a more dynamic and sophisticated social scene. As it is, way too many head north, or to Miami. If it wasn't for the universities, where would that group of people be?

Marital Status/Family: Single .

Community Involvement: I served three years in the Peace Corps in West Africa and have volunteered in the national parks system in California and Alaska. I'm a member of NPR and the Author's Guild.

Hours worked per week: Sometimes all of them, especially when I'm on book tour.

Hobbies: Fishing, reading, film going, travel, parties

What's on your iPod? Bob Marley, Led Zeppelin, Trina.

Name three things in your refrigerator: OJ, broccoli, lite Beer.

Book you can read more than once: Blood Meridian.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: The Common Review, Harper's, Maxim.

Favorite Web sites: Slate.com and Thatvideosite.com.

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Dunsmuir, far northern California. Blue ribbon trout fishing in the mountains.

What would you like to be doing more of? Long, purposeless walks.

What would you like to be doing less of? Book touring.

If I had it to do all over again I would...have gotten to know my dad better.

Jonathan D. Fleece


Company/Title: Blalock, Walters, Held & Johnson, PA/principal, officer and director

Education: B.A. Psychology, Emory University; J.D., Saint Louis University School of Law.

Professional achievements/honors: Qualified for several national sales and leadership awards with AT&T'S NCR Division, as an account manager in the financial services group, prior to law school. Graduated cum laude from Saint Louis University School of Law and received a Certificate in Health Law Studies along with my doctorate. Is board certified in Health Care Law from the Florida Bar. Is the youngest partner at Blalock Walters et al., and manages the firm's business services and health care law practice groups. Serves on the firm's board and was elected as vice president and secretary. Received the Danforth Foundation's "I Dare You" Leadership Award as a youth.

Mentor or business hero: Clifford L. Walters (my firm's managing partner).

Formula for success: Passion, integrity, and common sense. I have a passion for practicing law. I maintain integrity in all aspects of life. I approach every task with common sense.

Hometown: Bradenton.

Place/Date of Birth: Durham, N.C./Nov. 21, 1967

First job: McDonalds at age 15

Years on Gulf Coast: 5.5

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: My mother is a Sarasota native and my wife's family all reside in Bradenton/Sarasota.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Lack of affordable housing.

How would you solve it? The region must embrace land development projects with higher density (e.g., multi-family, town homes, condo's, etc.) to promote more private investment. The cost of land has increased substantially over the last several years, so developers require higher density projects to make affordable housing profitable. This is especially true in Manatee County. Downtown Bradenton needs continued support for growth, as downtown is better suited for high density projects. By bringing residents to downtown, this allows restaurants, galleries, etc. to thrive.

Marital Status/Family: Married for 15 wonderful years to Amy Mattina Fleece. Three beautiful children, ages three to six.

Community Involvement: Director with We Care Manatee, Inc., a non-profit that provides specialty health care services to the indigent; director with the Ear Research Foundation, a non-profit that conducts community outreach, research and education through the Silverstein Institute in Sarasota to improve hearing loss in adults and children; legal advisor to the Sarasota County Medical Society and its members; actively support The United Way and many other charitable organizations through financial donations and community service.

Hours worked per week: 55 to 60 on average.

Hobbies: Spending time with my children during their sports activities; boating; automobiles; and down hill snow skiing.

What's on your iPod? Longtime U2 and Sting fan. Enjoy a classical Mozart selection too.

Name three things in your refrigerator: Nice bottle of California Chardonnay, apples, and nuts.

Book you can read more than once: The Bible.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: Gulf Coast Business Review (of course!) The Florida Medical Business Journal.

Favorite Web sites: CNN.com, Edmunds.com

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Venice, Italy

What would you like to be doing more of? Spending time with my wife and children.

What would you like to be doing less of? Worrying about the national debt and budget deficit.

If I had it to do all over again I would...Change absolutely nothing! I have learned from each mistake in life and embraced both losses and joys with a sense of humility and acceptance.

Andrew Foley


Company/Title: Co-owner, Sarasota News & Books

Education: B.S. in Management, Babson College.

Hometown: Sarasota.

Place/Date of Birth: Sarasota/June 11, 1981.

Professional achievements/honors: Owning the landmark downtown Sarasota bookstore with his sister, Megan Foley. The Foleys bought the store in the fall of 2005.

First job: Social Venture Network, a network of socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurs and investors in San Francisco.

Years on Gulf Coast: I have been back for 2 years.

Motivation to RETURN: After going to school in Boston and briefly living in San Francisco, I returned home to find that Sarasota was evolving into a dynamic community with a bustling downtown and an active group of young professionals. I quickly realized that this is where I wanted to be.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:The lack of affordable housing for working families and young professionals remains the biggest threat to our economy and quality of life. We must make it our top priority.

How would you solve it? I believe organizations like the Community Housing Trust must be given the resources and cooperation to get the job done. Our elected officials must also create adequate land-use incentives to replenish our stock of rental units, a lack of which has resulted in many working families spending over 60% of their paychecks just to live in Sarasota. I also believe workforce housing should be downtown. It's not only where increased density is most tolerable, but also where a higher concentration of people will create a more vibrant downtown.

Marital Status/Family: Single

Community Involvement: Government Issues Chair of the Sarasota Young Professionals Group; board member of the Small Business Council of the Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce.

Hours worked per week: 65 hours per week, plus or minus.

Hobbies: I play squash, dabble with the guitar, and read as much as I can.

What's on your iPod? Tom Waits, Rufus Wainwright.

Name three things in your refrigerator: Water, grab-n-go food from Sarasota News & Books and champagne.

Book you can read more than once: Bowling Alone: The Collapse and Revival of American Community, by Robert Putnam.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: Mostly advanced readers these days. Bel Canto, by Ann Patchett, Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen.

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Copenhagen.

What would you like to be doing more of? Reading.

What would you like to be doing less of? E-mail.

Christopher Gregg Fous

Fort Myers

Company/Title: Devious Design Studio/partner, creative director

Education: A.S. in digital media

Professional achievements/honors: Won the Course Director's Award at Full Sail in Orlando for design, given to only one student per graduating class. Recipient of multiple Sand Dollar, Pinnacle, and local and regional ADDY Awards. Also, Devious Design Studio won more GOLD ADDY Awards this year than any other agency in Southwest Florida.

Mentor or business hero: My first business hero is my father, Gregg Fous. His business sense is as strong as his ethics. His genius never ceases to impress me.

Formula for success: Be relentlessly passionate. Be original. Never be afraid to deviate from what is expected.

Hometown: Although originally from Ohio, I've lived in Fort Myers since the early '90's.

Place/Date of Birth: Middleburg Heights, Ohio/ Dec. 29, 1980

First job: I was 5 or 6. I sold packing tape door to door out of my wagon. No 401k, but the hours were flexible.

Years on Gulf Coast: 15

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: Family decision. At 11 years old, you don't have too much pull.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Fort Myers is a less than attractive place to live, with streets that are falling apart, and a poorly designed infrastructure.

How would you solve it? Add an additional 10% tax to all cigarette purchases. Increase the cost of bail by 25%, thus making the fines for breaking the law more considerable, while bringing in more revenue for the city. Use that extra money to landscape Cleveland Ave. City of Palms? Not yet, [so] make it a city of Palms.

Marital Status/Family: A devastatingly gorgeous fiance and a son named Bruiser (Miniature Doberman) who knows more tricks than I do.

Community Involvement: I'm an active member of the Advertising Federation and a volunteer and chairperson for the March of Dimes. Donated design services to the Make-a-Wish Foundation and the Fort Myers Police Department and have spoken in front of numerous elementary, middle, high school, and colleges about the power of education, design, and advertising.

Hours worked per week: 50-60

Hobbies: I am a part-time deejay, for the love of music (plus it's as close to being a rock star as I'm ever going to get). I love to dine, dance, and socialize.

What's on your iPod? I have everything from Nora Jones to RunDMC, from Queen to comedy cuts by Dane Cook.

Name three things in your refrigerator: Kim Chee (Korean pickled cabbage – spicy!); A bottle of St. Francis Chard; Hershey's Strawberry Syrup.

Book you can read more than once: The Prince, by Machiavelli.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: GCBR, The One Show 2005, the newest International Male catalogue.

Favorite Web sites: AltaVista's Babelfish (translation Web site – fantastic!); My own company's site – GetDevious.com (when I need inspiration, although it may sound foolish, I read my own company's philosophies. It puts things back into perspective, and reminds me why I must be as creative as possible.)

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Dusseldorf, Germany.

What would you like to be doing more of? Wondering how to spend my fortune.

What would you like to be doing less of? Wondering how to make my fortune.

If I had it to do all over again I would...Keep a journal, and take more pictures, to help me remember the amazing ride.

Elsie M. Gilmore


Company/Title: Elle Productions, LLC/owner, designer

Education: B.S. in Business Administration, Castleton State College in Castleton, Vt.

Professional achievements/honors: Building my business over the last three years and getting to the point where expansion is necessary. Being given a radio show and not being kicked off the air!

Mentor or business hero: Suddenly, Warren Buffet

Formula for success: I like to refer back to a quote by Thomas Jefferson – "I'm a great believer in luck and I find the harder I work, the more I have of it."

Hometown: Rutland, Vt.

Place/Date of Birth: Rutland, Vt./ Feb. 14, 1973.

First job: Intern at Central Vermont Public Service Corporation

Years on Gulf Coast: 3

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: The beautiful weather and abundant opportunity.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region:Affordable housing.

How would you solve it? Habitat for Humanity is already working to solve this problem for the poorest members of our community and I applaud their efforts. Under the direction of Mike Jacobsen, they are accomplishing a lot. It doesn't surprise me the number of homeless people in Sarasota - even the rent here is high. The only answer is to keep increasing supply until demand levels out.

Marital Status/Family: Single, but with a glimmer of hope.

Community Involvement: Once my new business plan is in place, I plan to take a refresher course in Spanish and volunteer regularly in the Hispanic community.

Hours worked per week: 40-80

Hobbies: Reading, studying human nature, enjoying my charmed life.

What's on your iPod? I'm a non-conformist, but if I had an iPod, it would definitely contain The Smiths, The Cure and Pearl Jam.

three things in your refrigerator: Cherries, strawberries, cheese.

Book you can read more than once: Slaughterhouse 5.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: The Economist, Running With Scissors.

Favorite Web sites: SurlyChicks.com and SarasotaAfterDark.com (marketing, marketing, marketing).

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: London.

What would you like to be doing more of? Helping others.

What would you like to be doing less of? Grunt work

If I had it to do all over again I would... do it exactly the same so I would end up where I am right now.

Bonnie Beth Greenball


Company/Title: Crowley Museum and Nature Center/executive director

Education: B.A.,Vanderbilt University; J.D., The Ohio State University College of Law.

Professional achievements/honors: Responsible for developing the Judicial Campaign Ethics Center of the New York State Judiciary (2004-2006) and served as the first executive director; Honors awarded at Vanderbilt include Gamma Beta Phi, Phi Eta Sigma and Omicron Delta Kappa (leadership honorary).

Mentor or business hero: Mark Davies, executive director of the Conflicts of Interest Board of New York City, where I served as special counsel.

Formula for success: Bringing energy, enthusiasm, and creativity to everything I do. Utilizing my strong interpersonal skills to make connections with people and foster teamwork.

Hometown: Columbus, Ohio

Place/Date of Birth: Columbus, Ohio/May 4, 1970

First job: Working at the visitor desk at the Columbus Museum of Art.

Years on Gulf Coast: Just moved from New York City.

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: The beauty of the Sarasota landscape and the charm of the community. The opportunity to run a museum (Crowley Museum and Nature Center).

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Affordable housing to encourage a younger, diverse community to discover the wonders of Sarasota.

How would you solve it? It would be particularly helpful for an organization like the Young Professionals Group to put out materials on the best value areas in the community for young singles and families. For example, a brochure could contain information about attaining a mortgage as a first-time home owner, the demographics of the local neighborhoods, the school systems, and the property values over a five-year period.

Marital Status/Family: Single; in a committed relationship

Community Involvement: YPG, Sarasota Ballet Association (new member).

Hours worked per week: 40- 45.

Hobbies: Yoga, seeing theater, music, and dance performances, visiting museums.

What's on your iPod? Deva Premal, India.Arie, Macy Gray

Name three things in your refrigerator: Strawberries, Stonybrook yogurt, Silk vanilla soymilk.

Book you can read more than once: Howard's End

Books or magazines on your nightstand: SRQ, Sarasota, Cross Creek by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings.

Favorite Web sites: Google, TheaterMania.com

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: New York City

What would you like to be doing more of? Yoga and spending time with my boyfriend.

What would you like to be doing less of? Laundry and driving.

If I had it to do all over again I would...have spent less time worrying about my future path - my life has taken an even more exciting turn than I could have ever anticipated!

Philip A Gulotta Jr.


Company/Title: Sandcastles Interiors/director of design

Education: B.S. in Interior Design with a Minor in Business, Philadelphia University.

Professional achievements/honors: Work published in World of Interiors, Interior Design, Architectural Digest, New York Times Magazine, Elle Decor, Metropolitan Home, Vanity Fair, Vogue, New York Magazine.

Mentor or business hero: My father.

Formula for success: Simplicity, honesty and kindness.

Hometown: Marlton, N.J.

Place/Date of Birth: Philadelphia/Sept. 12, 1968

First job: Frame shop

Years on Gulf Coast: 1

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: Lifestyle

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Accelerated housing growth, which is poorly designed and built.

How would you solve it? First and foremost, careful consideration of appropriate architecture and building in all neighborhood areas is essential. Neighborhoods that began as charming Old Florida or Spanish Mediterranean should not have large out-of-scale Med-Rev houses built there. Attention to scale, proportion and historically correct architecture needs to be addressed. This means more qualified architects need to be involved at the beginning of a project. Also, quality of construction needs to be addressed. While certain hurricane standards mandate construction to an extent, most of our beautiful home-sites are constructed with minimum requirements met and with poor finishes. Our cultural community filled with the arts, historical monuments like the Ringling Museum of Art's Ca d' Zan, and our beautiful waterways are a standard to follow.

Marital Status/Family: Single

Community Involvement: Film Festival.

Hours worked per week: 50

Hobbies: Shopping for antiques, flea markets and working out.

What's on your iPod? Hotel Costes, Confessions on a Dance Floor and the latest Buda Bar.

Name three things in your refrigerator: Fiji Water, frozen acai paste, Intelligentsia's "Black Cat Expresso" coffee.

Book you can read more than once: The Power Broker.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: Elle Decor, World of Interiors

Favorite Web sites: ebay, Orbitz.

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Vieques.

What would you like to be doing more of? Traveling.

What would you like to be doing less of? Sweating.

If I had it to do all over again I would...Worry less; take a step back and smell the roses.

Lisa Intagliata


Company/Title: Sarasota Memorial Healthcare Foundation, Inc./director of development

Education: B.S. in Mass Communications/Public Relations from Florida Southern College.

Professional achievements/honors: Certified Fundraising Executive Credential (CFRE); Graduate of Leadership Sarasota County: Class of 2004 (Class Project Co-Chair); Elected President of the Southwest Florida Chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professional in 2006.

Mentor or business hero: My first boss at Cardinal Mooney High School, Kathy Wiedemer. She took me under her wing as new college graduate and was so open and willing to share her knowledge with me. She taught me so much about non-profits, and how the field of fundraising and development could be a wonderfully rewarding career choice.

Formula for success: Always do what you say you will do-follow through!

Hometown: Manchester, Conn.

Place/Date of Birth: Hartford, Conn./April 8, 1971.

First job: My first job ever was working as a sales clerk for my parent's gourmet kitchen/gift shop called The Happy Cooker in Venice. Many folks had a lot of fun with that name! I loved trying out all of the new kitchen gadgets that would come out on the market. I love to cook! My first 'real' job out of college was as assistant development director at Cardinal Mooney High School in Sarasota, my alma mater.

Years on Gulf Coast: 25

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: I moved here when I was 10 years old with my parents. They couldn't have picked a better spot!

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Affordable housing.

How would you solve it? Evidence indicates that the need for affordable housing is greatest among households earning less than 80% of the area median income. If we cannot supply affordable housing options to low and moderate-income households, it will have a direct impact on other members of the community. There will be fewer people available to fill service positions, health care jobs etc. Local governments provide few incentives or resources for affordable housing. Local governments in our area should make efforts to modify or eliminate regulations that make it difficult or too costly to build or rehabilitate affordable housing. Voters should force local governments to adopt policies that strongly promote the rehabilitation of deteriorated, sub-standard housing.

Marital Status/Family: Single.

Community Involvement: Association of Fundraising Professionals (SW FL Chapter); Leadership Sarasota-Greater Sarasota Chamber of Commerce (Adult Program Day Chair); Sarasota-Manatee Young Democrats Club; Kappa Delta Alumnae Association.

Hours worked per week: 40-plus.

Hobbies: Travel, travel and more travel! Especially cruising the high seas!

What's on your iPod? Home, Michael Buble; I don't want to wait in vain, Bob Marley; When will I see you again, Lenny Kravitz.

Name three things in your refrigerator: Fresh cherries-yum!, Lime Cilantro salad dressing, roasted red pepper hummus.

Book you can read more than once: Message in a Bottle, by Nicholas Sparks

Books or magazines on your nightstand: Lucky, SRQ, Cruise Travel Magazine.

Favorite Web sites: TripAdvisor.com, VirtualTourist.com.

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Roatan, Honduras.

What would you like to be doing more of? Traveling to new places-experiencing new cultures.

What would you like to be doing less of? Thinking and stressing about the future.

If I had it to do all over again I would...have studied more in school.

Heather Kenyon


Company/Title: Tampa Bay Technology Forum/ director of development

Education: B.S., journalism, University of Florida

Professional achievements/honors: Joined the TBTF in 2003 as the fledgling organization's second employee. Has grown TBTF's membership from 150 to 400 companies, from one-person entrepreneurial startups to the largest companies in the region, including Tech Data, OSI Restaurant Partners, Verizon, and many other local giants. Promoted from membership director to director of development in 2006, after increasing sponsorships and revenues more than 200%.

Mentor or business hero: My mother: she was a housewife for 20 years and when her marriage failed, she went back to work. She started as an admission coordinator at a nursing home and is now the regional sales manager for a large portion of the United States for Capital Senior Living, one of the larger retirement community companies in the country.

Formula for success: I believe in always challenging myself. Act first and beg for forgiveness later if things don't go as planned. To make real change happen, you've got to stick your neck out and take risks. I live by this rule and have offered it to others: Make your own luck. Never allow yourself to be unhappy. You are in control of your life and have the power to change it if you are not happy with your situation.

Hometown: Upstate New York.

Place/Date of Birth: Madison, Wis./ 1971.

First job: Assistant Manager of The Gap (hated it!)

Years on Gulf Coast: 15 years.

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: Family moved to Clearwater in my sophomore year of high school, went to college in Gainesville, moved back to the Tampa area, met my husband and never left!

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today: Affordable housing

How would you solve it? This is not an easy thing to fix. For housing to be more affordable to younger workers or those who do jobs that are essential to the community – teachers, policemen, etc. – they'd have to earn higher wages to keep up with the cost of living here. But I also think developers and cities can try to hammer out public-private partnerships that would yield good quality housing at affordable prices. Again, not easy, but where there is a will, there's a way. Someone must be doing it somewhere – they just need to find models that are workable and somewhat profitable.

Marital Status/Family: Married, with a 3-year-old son.

Community Involvement: Fundraising for the Local Boys and Girls Clubs (for work); volunteering with our local YMCA; assisting with the fundraising efforts for Metropolitan Ministries; obtaining computer equipment for the Voices for Children (children's advocacy group); and through the TBTF, planned an event with our Executive Women's Network to highlight local charities to raise awareness.

Hours worked per week: 60-plus.

Hobbies: Exercise, reading, cooking.

What's on your iPod?: Snow Patrol, The Fray, Cold Play.

Name three things in your refrigerator: White wine, vegetables, cheese.

Book you can read more than once: I never have enough time to read books more than once!

Books or magazines on your nightstand: Business 2.0, Fortune, Wired, Parenting Magazine, The World is Flat and Never Eat Alone.

Favorite Web sites: Epicurious.com (cooking site), TBTF Web site

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: San Francisco/Napa Valley (got engaged there).

What would you like to be doing more of? Community involvement

What would you like to be doing less of? Trying to get enough time to be the perfect mother, wife, daughter and friend.

If I had it to do all over again I would...spend more time smelling the roses!

Dawn Klee


Company/Title: Creative Design Group/creative director, owner

Education: A.S, Advertising, Cazenovia College

Professional achievements/honors: After working in the advertising and print industry for many years, I decided to leave the corporate world in 1992 and formed Creative Design Group. Since then, I have met and worked with many wonderful people both locally and around the country. My company continues to grow and has won over a dozen local and regional "Addy" Awards from the American Advertising Federation. Since 1999, I have been very active with the Suncoast Advertising Federation chapter, serving as secretary, vice president and president, concurrently. During my two year tenure as president, my efforts have doubled membership and increased operating revenue three-fold.

Mentor or business hero: I really don't have a single mentor or business hero. I try to learn something from everyone I encounter because everyone has something to contribute or some experience you can learn from.

Formula for success: There is always hard work and perseverance, but I would like to think that if you treat others as you want to be treated and make decisions based on what is morally right and stay true to what you believe in, there will be a lot of success in your life.

Hometown: Long Island, N.Y.

Place/Date of Birth: Columbus, Ohio/June 4, 1970

First job: Summer camp director

Years on Gulf Coast: Seven

Motivation to come to Gulf Coast: My husband.

Name one pressing issue affecting our region today:Florida state legislators have been trying for the past few years to add a state sales tax on advertising services. This would be detrimental to everyone because the advertising industry would have to either absorb the tax into their operating costs (which could mean lower wages or fewer jobs) or pass on the tax costs to their clients (which would eventually have to be passed down to consumers).

How would you solve it? Just like my formula for success, hard work and perseverance is the way to keep this type of legislation out of the law books.

Marital Status/Family: Married, with two children - twins.

Community Involvement: President of the Suncoast Advertising Federation, member of the Young Professionals Group; the Sarasota Chamber of Commerce; and the Economic Development Corporation Creative Cluster Group. On the committee for the "Mayors Project for Veterans and Military Families."

Hours worked per week: 50-65

Hobbies: Sailing, softball, running, movies, gardening, snow skiing and traveling.

What's on your iPod? Numa Numa Iei by O-Zone, Only Time by Enya, Sing Along by Blue Man Group and Dave Matthews.

Name three things in your refrigerator: tofu, orange juice and garbanzo beans (can you tell we are vegetarians?)

Book you can read more than once: The Bible.

Books or magazines on your nightstand: The Early Birds, by Jenny Minton and Marley & Me, by John Grogan.

Favorite Web sites: (list two) www.googleearth.com, www.adweek.com

Best place outside Florida you've ever been to: Sailing around the British Virgin Islands.

What would you like to be doing more of? Spend more quality time with my family.

What would you like to be doing less of? Being on the phone and glued to my computer day and night.

If I had it to do all over again I would... Do it exactly the same, mistakes and all, because that's how you grow and get stronger.


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