St. Petersburg Leader Receives Liberty Bell

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  • | 6:00 p.m. May 7, 2004
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St. Petersburg Leader Receives Liberty Bell

Clarence Welch, pastor of Prayer Tower Church of God in Christ, was invited to the St. Petersburg Bar Association Law Day luncheon to provide an invocation.

To Welch's right, sat American Bar Association President Dennis Archer, a former Michigan Supreme Court justice and Detroit mayor.

Welch, a retired science teacher, was involved in the integration of Pinellas County's school, judiciary and community in the 1960s. He was one of the people that actively supported attorney James Sanderlin, who sued to force local implementation of Brown v. Board of Education.

Still, Welch seemed genuinely surprised to realize he had been really been brought to the meeting to be honored as the 40th recipient of the association's Liberty Bell Award.

"He exemplifies the highest respect for individuals, integrity, ethics and compassion toward mankind in all walks of life," said Pinellas-Pasco Circuit Judge J. Thomas McGrady who gave the award to Welch.

Welch, a graduate of Florida A&M University, said he doesn't consider himself a community leader. And the only reason he has been able to help so many others is because of his training and upbringing, he said, adding that his mother and father truly deserve the credit.

The association also honored George Greer, the 6th circuit judge who has overseen the controversial Terri Schiavo matter - the right-to-life case has generated national publicity. Greer was given the association's 2004 Judicial Appreciation Award.

Archer discussed the impact of Brown v. Board of Education, the U.S. Supreme Court case that brought about the integration of America's educational system. The ruling's 50th anniversary is May 17.

The ABA president said he's proud of the progress America has made toward equality for all races, but the work is not yet over. He cited Robert Frost: We have "miles to go, promises to keep before (we) sleep."

- Janet Leiser


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