New school aims to bring French education system to region

Can a French immersion school be a viable enterprise in the Tampa Bay area? A native of France and his American spouse, behind a $2 million investment, want to find out.

  • By Brian Hartz
  • | 6:00 a.m. April 13, 2018
  • | 0 Free Articles Remaining!
Mark Wemple. Beth LeBihan and her husband Willy (not pictured) successfully founded a French immersion school in Maine, and now they are trying to replicate it in St. Petersburg.
Mark Wemple. Beth LeBihan and her husband Willy (not pictured) successfully founded a French immersion school in Maine, and now they are trying to replicate it in St. Petersburg.
  • Education
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With its robust and growing Cuban, Latin American and South American cultural influences, Florida is a state where Spanish could easily be considered a second language worth knowing.

So why, then, are two educators-turned-entrepreneurs starting a French immersion school in St. Petersburg?


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