- March 25, 2025
Samantha Scott remembers working late one Friday night trying to complete a project for an important client.
While Scott has burned the midnight oil many evenings, this night was different: It was her birthday. “I remember thinking: How did this happen?”
This is a dilemma that every successful entrepreneur faces: The business grows to the point that she can't do it all. “You get to that breaking point,” Scott explains.
Scott's Fort Myers marketing and public relations firm, Pushing the Envelope, has grown threefold since she was named to the Business Observer's 40 under 40 list of top young professionals at age 23.
Scott, now 29, says she's better at delegating and has even gone a few days without checking her iPhone 5. “I work to live, not live to work,” she says.
Scott says she's willing to trade profits for a work-life balance. Besides, she says, managing that properly will be beneficial for her clients, too. “To be as good as you can be, you have to check out sometimes,” she says.
Scott hired her first employee in 2010 and the staff now totals five including her, plus three interns from Florida Gulf Coast University. “I've always grown slowly and strategically,” says Scott, who signs her emails with this title: Grand Poobah (Owner).
Some of her long-term clients include high-profile businesses such as the Pincher's Crab Shack restaurant group, Harley-Davidson dealer Scott Fischer Enterprises and California Closets. Scott is considering moving to larger office space soon.
One of the keys to success, Scott says, is to stay focused on what you do best. “Wear your one hat,” she says. When a new project presents itself, she always asks herself: “Is this within our one-hat realm?”
For example, customers have asked her for help with technology because her firm designs websites and helps manage their social media efforts. But information technology such as data hosting and software upgrades are not her specialties, so she refers work to Pulse Business Solutions, an IT firm in Fort Myers with whom she's created a strategic alliance.
Scott says her impressive roster of clients has overcome any issues relating to her relatively young age. “There's a bit of skepticism until I start talking,” she says. In particular, Scott says she's focused on delivering detailed analysis of her results for clients. “Everything we do is tested and measured,” she says. “Feel-good is not enough.”
Scott continues to be active even though nagging injuries have sidelined her in recent years. “I still really love triathlons,” she says. Scott works out four days a week. “I still run a lot.”
Blast from the Past
A glimpse back at Scott's answers from the 2008 40 under 40 issue.
Hometown: Anchorage, Alaska
First job: After-hours secretary at my high school, 15 years old.
Favorite book, why?: “Oh the Places You'll Go,” by Dr. Seuss. It's encouraging and whimsy at the same time.
Most inspirational book: “Fish” by Stephen Lundin, Ph.D., Harry Paul and John Christensen.
Favorite movie: “Underworld”
Best way to relax and let off steam: Visit my best friend and our favorite city, San Francisco, for weeklong touristy trip of cool sites and good wine.
Type of cell phone: Mogul, through Sprint. It's my fifth limb, I don't go anywhere without it.
Three words that describe you: Determined, compassionate and honest (even when it hurts).
Two most important issues affecting the Gulf Coast: 1) Real estate as it relates to sustainable development and 2) child abuse/family violence
Three words that describe you: Determined, compassionate and honest (even when it hurts)
If I had a magic wand, I'd: teach the world to sing in harmony, no, actually I'd create a million more so I wouldn't have to choose just one thing to change.
To see more on the Business Observer's 40 under 40, scan this QR code or visit businessobserver4040.com
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