County makes big gains in economic development

The northern outpost of Tampa Bay seeks to gain economic development heft behind an aggressive campaign.

  • By Mark Gordon
  • | 6:00 a.m. October 4, 2019
  • | 0 Free Articles Remaining!
Courtesy. Fleda Pharmaceuticals Corp., a startup gummy vitamins company, has plans to build a headquarters project in Pasco County.
Courtesy. Fleda Pharmaceuticals Corp., a startup gummy vitamins company, has plans to build a headquarters project in Pasco County.
  • Commercial Real Estate
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Pasco County is taking its vitamins.

Known mostly for its multiple Tampa bedroom communities — and growing traffic — the county has gained strength and scored some major economic development wins in the past month, focused on national and regional headquarters projects. The list of new entities varies from a startup pharmaceutical company to a civic infrastructure firm. (See related story on Moffitt Cancer Center’s proposed project in Pasco.)


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