Arthrex fuels economic engine in Collier County

Company's new headquarters is expected to fuel even greater growth in Naples.

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  • | 6:00 a.m. December 13, 2019
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STEFANIA PIFFERI —Arthrex Inc. is expected to complete its new four-story headquarters building in Naples early in 2020.
STEFANIA PIFFERI —Arthrex Inc. is expected to complete its new four-story headquarters building in Naples early in 2020.
  • Commercial Real Estate
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After two years of development, one of Southwest Florida’s largest new mixed-use projects — and one that is expected to have a significant economic development spin-off effect — is about to be completed.

Medical device maker Arthrex Inc.’s new six-story headquarters in Naples is expected to be delivered early next year, further fueling an economic development engine that injects more than $1 billion annually into the county’s economy.


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